Cole & Jennifer
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about our lives. We are Cole and Jennifer. We have been together for 10 years and married for 9. Cole works as a diesel mechanic and Jennifer works as an Emergency Medical Technician/Medical Assistant. We are so excited to start our family through the gift of adoption with Catholic Charities. We have tried to start a family for 8 years through fertility treatments and unfortunately we have endured so much heartache in doing so. We stopped counting our miscarriages at 5 and were advised by our fertility specialist and GYN after a ruptured ectopic pregnancy that for Jennifer’s health to not try any longer. So with that being said Jennifer has had a total hysterectomy at the young age of 31. We have so much love to give and feel that this is God’s plan for us.
We love anything that has to do with the outdoors such as fishing, hunting, camping, riding four wheeler’s and enjoying a good day the beach. We are beyond ready to open our hearts and home to a child. We are praying for God to direct you and give you peace, even as we pray for our own journey of adoption at this time. Thank you so much for taking the time to learn a little bit about our lives.
Cole & Jennifer