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Post-Adoption Services

Our post adoption services offers a continuum of services including searches and post-adoption counseling that respects the interest of adopted persons, birth parents, and adoptive parents.  In all circumstances, confidentiality and our clients’ best interests are our primary concern.  Services are available to those who were involved in adoptions through Catholic Charities.

If you are a child or adult who was adopted through Catholic Charities and never had the opportunity to meet or know more about your birth family, you may want to initiate a search.  This is not strange or unusual.  In fact, EVERY person who was adopted searches, even if it is only in their minds (“That person has similar features as me, I wonder if we are related.”)  Reasons to search varies from person to person.

You May:

  • want to know your story.
  • want to feel connected to someone biologically.
  • be struggling with your identity.
  • want more medical information.
  • be thinking of starting a family and want to be able to fill in the unanswered questions you have had.
  • just want to expand contact with the circle of people who love you.
  • simply want closure.

There is nothing wrong with the desire to search.  It does not mean you are unhappy with your adoptive family or the decision your birth mother made.  It does not mean you want anything from the birth family physically or financially.  Most adopted people are hesitant because they do not want to disturb the birth family and their lives or they worry about upsetting their adoptive parents, but it doesn’t take away the desire.  Catholic Charities’ Adoption Counselors are here to discuss with you where you are in your life and assure you that your feelings are absolutely normal.

Non-Identifying Information Requests

Adult adopted persons (and adoptive parents for children under 18) are eligible under the law to request Non-Identifying Information regarding the birth family.  Non-Identifying Information consists of a narrative summary which may include:  physical description, age, personality traits, medical, social and genetic history, occupation, etc. at the time of the adoption.

Search and Reunion Services

Any member of the adoption triad may choose to initiate a search for the purpose of gaining more information than is contained in the file or to be reunified with the other party.  Florida adoption law requires that both parties give written consent before any identifying information is given.  As such, Catholic Charities encourages adoption triad members to update contact information regarding themselves and their families on an ongoing basis.  If a member of the triad does not give written consent for contact, then Catholic Charities is unable to honor the request without a court order.

Please call and ask to speak with an Adoption Counselor at (813) 631-4370.

To begin the search process, you may complete the Search Inquiry Form below or send a letter to:

Catholic Charities Adoptions Services
ATTN: Adoptions Counselor
 6515 N. Armenia Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604

Or email to

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post adoption
post adoption
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Adoptee Information

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Other Information We Need to Know
